Session 3

That evening - party heads towards [Lite]'s house. [Bori] has gone to monastery for physical refinement.

Nice middle class home, small garden. Lite on top floor. [Harald] knocks, Lite's mother [Eidrid] answers. Greets party, commends Faefina on choice of [Eli]. Mentions recent pastor of IO. Clearly prefers IO over Eli. Asks who Gronk worships - he's just here for a good time. She mentions Dionysus under her breath - Gronk says he can do spells. Does not go down well.

She bemoans state of city, hopes new church of IO will fix things. Lite arrives before Gronk causes more of a scene. Congratulates party on work done for sheriff. Still has no word on the Kuatoa.

Party sits to eat. [Eidrid], we're informed, used to be chef at royal palace - specialty of steaks. Can tell how people like their steak just by looking at them. Party starts with starters. Lite apologises for Eidrid's religious fervour. Says new church of IO is gaining traction thanks to the Seneschal.

Eidrid's mother puts food in front of party, rude to Faefina. Lite asks party if they could help with a potential upcoming job, they agree.

Mains arrives - Faefina gets cooked mushroom. Lite excuses himself for bathroom. Rolls to lift. Eidrid looks on in disapproval - says he makes too much of his disability. Claims it's an afront to IO. Tells us how he ended up in wheelchair. Lite wheels back in, Eidrid says she's heading to bed.

Clotted cream and strawberries for dessert. Lite claims that the country of Albany has discovered refrigeration. Lite tells us his friend Ada Lacelove has studied science. Asks where party is going afterwards - wants to visit party at Queen's Crown later. Is concerned about IO's influence on his mother. Says he may need party to spy on the seneschal.

Party back to Queen's Crown - drinks at bar. String quartet starts playing lively tune. Man on lute joins, bar patrons start dancing. Horald left in peace at last. Suddenly realises someone is next to him in a grey cloak.
"Horald. Do you worship the Dread Maiden?"
Horald assents.
Tells him Dread Maiden hates the undead - says Faefina will heal an undead in the future, and Horald must stop her.
Horald acknowledges, doesn't promise to do so. Figure disappears.

Next day, party heads to sheriff's office again. Still just sheriff and secretary. Sheriff looks despondent.

New job - goblin village with a wheat mill complaining of gnoll incursions.
Decide to do Goblin village, then glassblowers.

Go to hire some horses. Halfling greets us - very exuberant. Offers Faefina a pony, a stallion for Horald, 'something' for Gronk. Party insists Gronk pay extra for his more expensive horse. Gronk slaps horse, horse runs off - pays extra 8CP for replacement.

Stable-Tiefling tells of Phoenixes that might be seen on the way.

On ride, Horald broods, Gronk and Faefina drink. Arrive at goblin town. Goblin greeter at newly built walls greets party. Introduces themselves as Wanda. Happy to see party, takes them to see mayor. Party see stores dealing with wheat. Wanda explains that goblins have gotten a bad rap, this village just grows wheat, except old man Non who grows/smokes weed.

Says Gnoll attacks started a few months back. Horald remembers that Gnolls are not native to this plane, result of demon/abyssal incursions. Last attack hit Aeriel Veluna's farm.

Party speaks to Aerial. Says last attack killed some goats. Fortunately, one killed was Black Phillip. Says Gnolls came from around barn. Faefina finds tracks, party follows to Gnoll encampment.

Faefina casts Sacred Flame, hits one Gnoll - almost kills.

Gronk fires Magic Missile, hits 3 does 5 damage. Wild Magic triggers, casts at 5th level, kills the one Faefina hit, hurts the others. 

Horald hits one with halberd in shoulder, steps back. 

Faefina casts Sacred Flame again, hits Gnoll. 

Gnoll throws spear at Horald, misses terribly. 

Unharmed Gnoll throws spear, misses.

Gnoll Faefina hit throws spear at Faefina, grazes her.

Gronk casts Magic Missile, kills Gnoll.

Horald steps up to Gnoll, misses, hits on the back swipe - taps it and steps back. 

Faefina casts Toll of the Dead. As she points, she hears the cry of a phoenix. Gnoll resists. 

Gnoll runs up to Horald, strikes for 5. Horald hits back for 5, running it through and killing it. 

Gnoll attacks Faefina, strikes against armour. 

Gnoll attacks Gronk, misses. 

Gronk tries Shocking Grasp on Gnoll, misses. Gnoll hits back, for 5. 

Horald moves behind Gnoll attacking Gronk, hits, runs it through, kills it. 

Faefina casts Word of Radiance, killing last Gnoll.  

Goblin mayor ecstatic, offers us wheat. Party stops for slap up party at goblin village.